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This Friday 'Out there' Vivid Projects (Birmingham) 6 Oct. 2 – 4pm

keynote speaker in the third event

THE OUTER LIMITS: Defining a Visual

Arts Strategy for the West MidlandsJoin us at our six ‘expedition’ events to explore the extremities of artistic practice in the region.Led by New Art West Midlands, The Outer Limits programme for artists explores the extremities of artistic practice – seeking out the far and distant places that make visual art in the midlands distinct and encouraging peer interaction.We explore the Outer Limits of digital space and the current thinking in digital culture. What mixed reality methods lie in wait for the artists of the new millennium? How can we bust through barriers to make new tools have some meaning? This session explores next generation ‘radical’ art, physical and digital realities – what is out there to be explored? Artists discuss tape machines, VR as painting, sci-art, bio-art, coding, experience design and user interaction. We will have two speakers on board for this mission – Gina Czarnecki and Laurie Ramsell.

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